CHA: Women on the Front Lines of Free Improvisation

CHA is a unique collaboration of three women: Carol J Levin plays electric harp. Healther Bentley play electric viola. Amelia Love Clearheart adds spoken word and a wide range of vocal techniques. Together, they create a unique collaborative voice that is somehow accessible yet defiant of easy description.

Meet Carol, Healther and Amelia and hear their story and sounds in Episode 11 of the Right Brain Music Podcast. It’s collective creativity in action.

CHA Remembering Backward cover-1400.png

CHA’s first album, Remembering Backward, is newly released on Right Brain Records.

Amy Denio calls the album “Improvisation at its best. CHA: Remembering Backward shares a deep exploration of feminine intuition and brilliance! Carol J Levin's harp lines weave and loop to create a beautiful network for Heather Bentley's exquisite sonic forages and Amelia Love Clearheart's sung poetry.” 

What makes this trio unique? Listen to the podcast and their album for the full story, but I’ll call out three things:

  • Their approach - CHA’s music is fully improvised from scratch each time they play.

  • Their backgrounds - C, H and A all have classical training, and have made the rare leap to the dark side of free improv.

  • Their chemistry - these wildly different human beings have developed an intuitive connection that channels a holistic and down-to-earth sound all their own.

CHA has a growing following in Seattle’s eclectic experimental music community. We’re thrilled to introduce CHA to the world!